Artist Statement
I am an artist who controls the technique of oil paintings especially on canvas. In addition, I hold a Ph.D degree from the Faculty of Life Sciences at Bar Ilan University, and I continues another doctoral, in the Department of Jewish Philosophy at Bar Ilan University.
My research occupation focused on the Agricultural Research, in the Ministry of Agriculture (ARO), Volcani Center, and as a researcher at the Faculty of Biology at the Technion in Haifa, Israel.
By looking at my paintings, you are expose to my complex world, where art is not my main occupation, but as an expression of contents absorbed into me from a multidimensional world of science, vegetation landscape and Kabbalistic themes

A molecular painting
Science, art and philosophy are subjects that have accompanied me all my life and they reflects each on the other.
I would like to introduce you to my last painting: CREATION- A molecular painting.
Creation and creativity give birth to reality. From the emptiness
arises the existence. In Hebrew there are different words for the different stages of creation – ‘Briaha’ and ‘Yetzira’. While the first term is coined for being after the total absence, the second term ‘Yetzira’ holds the meaning filling the empty space by assemble and disassembles of novel forms. Art in the 21 century has reached to a certain stage in which there are no technical limits. Now is the time to reach out, to a new art space Emerging from new combinations and assemblies of fields of creativity.
Life creation –DNA, oil on canvas, 110x120 cm.
Creative subjects such as organic molecules and painting, the most
significant subjects starts from smearing colors on canvas, basic and natural colors, mix and combine them. The collection of colors from a variety of traditions, which are the primary colors of creativity.